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Maidenhead Static Model Club

The MSMC is Britain's oldest and widest based toy and model collectors' club, founded in 1969, and organises the Windsor International Toy Fair.
Next Windsor Toy Fair date 18th May 2025
Click here for further details
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Club meetings take place in the third week every month at 8pm at Windsor & Eton Football Club, Stag Meadow, St.Leonard's Road, Windsor
(except December when we have our Christmas restaurant meal).  Meetings re-started in August 2021 following the coronavirus pandemic.

The club's activities include talks by toy collectors and model manufacturers, raffles, an annual fish and chips supper, an annual Scalextric night, a Christmas meal, and trips to toy factories and motor car factories and museums.  Club nights usually include themed displays and competitions where members bring models or toys to display.  Click on the links at the top of the page for more information.

To contact the MSMC by e-mail, please click here.

Links to:

Charbens history (Robert Newson)
Diecast Fire Engines
Fun Ho! and other New Zealand toys (Barry Young)
Lone Star (James Robertshaw)
Lead Figures (Richard Lewis)
Matchbox etc. (Nick Jones)
Matchbox, Budgie, Husky (Steve Beckett)
Meccano Magazine Index (Timothy Edwards & Stephen Jenkins)
Moko and early Lesney Toys
Morestone, Budgie, Benbros (Nicholas Martin)
Robert Newson's website
Small Scale World (Hugh Walter)
Staffan's collection (Danish makes & many others)
Streamlux (Australia) (article by David Daw)
Timpo plastic figures (Alfred Plath)
Tootsietoys history (Robert Newson)
Victory plastic vehicles (Malcolm Parker)

Farming in Miniature - 2 volume book (Robert Newson)
Lone Star Book (Geoffrey Ambridge)
Spare Parts (Retro Toy Spares)
Spare Parts (Steve Flowers)
Spare Parts (
Lead Figures (Lilliput World)
Lead Figures (Norman Joplin)
Mercator Trading (Adrian Little)
The Toy Box (Lead Figures)
Vintage trains, diecasts, tinplate, paperwork (Cliff Maddock)
Transport Modelling Books by David Wright